Baked Squash

Every year, on the threshold of autumn, on the weekly visit at the market, I get excited from the huge variety of squashes, and the muse just hits me. The strong colors, the weird shapes, the different sizes. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a Salvador Dali painting, full of bizarre shapes. I just feel like taking them home, and cook something.

The squash is very low on calories, it's easy to digest and it's full with vitamin A, C and E. Also it contains folic acid and all sorts of minerals. For example calcium and potassium.

When you buy the squash, it's better to buy it whole and not in pieces, that are actually exposed to air and are losing vitamins and also taste.

Of course, don't throw away the seeds of the squash. It's much better to roast them and add them to soups or salads, add them to a bread dough, or even eat them just like this. (How and Why)

This recipe is very simple and the most fun part is, that after a few minutes in the oven, the whole kitchen smells like moist soil after the first rain. A perfect dish for the welcoming of autumn.

The ingredients :

A few onions
A couple cloves of garlic
Fresh thyme
Sea salt
Olive oil

At first peel the squash, take the seeds out and dice it. Put the pieces in a bowl with very cold water (It's even better to put some ice cubes in) for about an hour. In this way they keep their texture and crispiness also after the baking process.

After about an hour strain the squash cubes and place them in a baking form with the onions, the garlic and the thyme. Drizzle some olive oil on top, add a bit salt and pepper and bake until the squash is softened, but still is crunchy. Enjoy!


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